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9 Best Things to Do in Guadix Spain

Guadix is a charming town located in the province of Granada, Spain. With its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and unique attractions, it’s a wonder that this town isn’t more popular yet.

I explored Guadix over several days while house sitting nearby for 5 weeks. However, you can also enjoy the best of Guadix on a day trip from Granada.

Here are some of the best things to do in Guadix, Spain.

Best Things to Do in Guadix

1. Visit the Guadix Cave Houses

The picturesque exterior of a Guadix cave house, with whitewashed walls, potted plants, and surrounding arid hills under a clear blue sky.
The unique Guadix cave dwellings in Spain

The highlight of my visit to Guadix was the cave houses. These traditional homes are carved into the hillsides and have been inhabited for centuries. It’s so cool to walk around the Barrio de Cuevas and explore the white chimneys and the cave houses beneath.

You can visit a cave house museum to learn about the history of these underground dwellings, walk around and on top of the cave houses, explore modern cave interiors, and even spend the night in one!

Read all about how visit in my Guadix cave house guide.

2. Climb the Steps of the Cathedral Tower

The grand facade of the Guadix Cathedral, an architectural marvel with intricate details and a rich history in Guadix, Spain. You can visit this cathedral on a day trip from Granada to Guadix.
The side of the Guadix cathedral, the main entrance is around the corner

Guadix Cathedral is a striking building with its Baroque façade and interior. But the real highlight is climbing the bell tower for panoramic views of the town and surrounding landscape.

A view of Guadix from the cathedral tower, highlighting the picturesque town and surrounding landscape under a clear blue sky. Experiencing this view is one of the best things to do in Guadix Spain.
I was the only person on the bell tower!

You can choose a ticket for the tower, the cathedral, or a combined ticket. If you visit the tower, be ready to climb a narrow spiral staircase. The climb is worth it though! The view was amazing, and I was the only one on the viewing platform.

3. See the Roman Theatre

The remains of a Roman theatre in Guadix, Spain, with the bell tower of a historic church in the background. It's one of the best Guadix things to do.
The Roman Theatre with the cathedral in the back

The Roman Theater of Guadix  was built in the 1st century AD and only rediscovered in the 1990s! Unfortunately, you can’t enter it but you can walk once around it.

Even though you can’t enter, it’s still worth seeing, especially since it’s right next to the cathedral.

Tip: The best Roman Theatre in Spain is in Tarragona!

4. Explore the Alcazaba (Once It Reopens)

A view of the Alcazaba de Guadix, an impressive medieval fortress, as seen from a residential street in Guadix, Spain, under a clear blue sky.
The Alcazaba from a distance

The Alcazaba is a Moorish fort that dates back to the 11th century. It’s located on top of a hill and offers beautiful views of Guadix and its surrounding landscapes.

Unfortunately, the Alcazaba in Guadix is currently closed for restoration. Once it reopens, take the time to see this Moorish fortress and for now just admire it from the outside.

In the meantime you can also visit the Alcazaba inside the Alhambra palace in Granada.

5. Visit Filming Locations

A film director's chair with the inscription 'Guadix de Cine' on a street in Guadix, Spain, a popular filming location. Exploring film sets is one of the cool things to do in Guadix.
On the front side of those chairs are the films listed that were filmed there

Guadix is the filming location of multiple movies, especially westerns. The most famous movies filmed in Guadix are The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

You can find director’s chairs all around Guadix with pictures and descriptions of the movies filmed at this location.

6. Admire the Santiago Church

The Iglesia de Santiago in Guadix, Spain, featuring its beautiful entrance, clock tower, and serene surroundings.
It’s worth a quick look since the church is just next to the Alcazaba

The Iglesia de Santiago is located next to the Alcazaba and has a beautiful façade. The intricate entrance contrasts with the minimalist white church building.

Inside the church is a stunning wooden ceiling, unfortunately, the church was closed when I visited.

7. Walk Through the San Torcuato Arch

A historic archway leading to a vibrant street in Guadix, Spain, showcasing traditional Spanish architecture and colorful buildings.
The former gate to the city

The San Torcuato Arch is one of the former city gates, today it’s a picturesque archway leading into the city.

I’ll be honest, it’s not worth going out of your way to see this arch but if you walk past anyway, keep your eyes open for it.

8. Go to the Saturday Market

I love markets, and the best in Guadix is every Saturday at the big parking lot, which is also the best place to park if you arrive by car.

There you can get everything from fresh produce to clothing, household items and souvenirs. The market is bustling with locals getting their weekly shopping done.

9. See the Sunset Outside the City

If you’re in Guadix by car take the chance to visit one of the viewing points outside the city to see an incredible sunset.

A breathtaking sunset over the hills of Guadix, Spain, with golden grasses in the foreground and the town nestled in the valley.
Sunset at Mirador del Fin del Mundo

The most popular viewing point is probably Mirador del Fin del Mundo, the viewing point at the end of the world. Despite its popularity, we were the only ones there when we visited. It was very cool. It’s rare to find a beautiful sunset spot and have it all to yourself.

Make sure to arrive early enough. Google says you can drive to the platform, I wouldn’t recommend it though due to narrow, poor roads. Park near the main road and walk about 20 minutes to reach the viewpoint.

How to Get to Guadix

You can easily get to Guadix by car or by bus from Granada. The car ride takes about 45 minutes and the bus takes about an hour.

The bus sets off at the estación de autobuses de Granada, the main bus station in Granada. There are multiple buses per day, so you can even take a day trip from Granada to Guadix.

A panoramic view of Guadix, Spain, from a hillside, capturing the expanse of the town and the rugged landscape under a bright blue sky.
View of Guadix from Mirador del Cerro de la Bala

Where to Stay in Guadix

For a unique experience, consider staying in one of the cave houses in Guadix. You can find plenty of options.

Casa Cueva Picoesquina is a popular choice, offering a fully equipped cave house with modern amenities and an outdoor patio with a fireplace.

Cueva La Loli is a great choice if you want an authentic cave experience. It has all modern amenities but feels more genuine and cozy.

Tina with a hat and sunglasses stands at a viewpoint overlooking the scenic landscape of Guadix cave houses.
Me at the viewpoint on top of José’s cave house

Final Thoughts: Visiting Guadix Spain

Guadix may not be as popular as other destinations in Spain, but it offers a unique experience for those looking to explore beyond the usual tourist spots. From its cave houses to its stunning views and rich history, there’s a lot to discover.

So next time you’re planning a trip to southern Spain, and you’re looking for a less touristy spot, don’t forget to add Guadix to your list of must-visit places. I promise you won’t be disappointed!

Read more about Andalusia:

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A picturesque view of Guadix, Spain, at sunset with the text 'Best Things to Do in Guadix' overlayed, featuring a scenic landscape and the town in the background. Image from
Best Things to Do in Guadix Spain

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